Frequently asked questions

Q. How is Kettle Corn different from Popcorn

Traditionally made kettle corn is cooked in a large iron kettle that has been oiled. Once popped, the popcorn is tossed with salt and sugar for a very unique flavor. Popcorn on the other hand is made from a special variety of corn that has been grown to burst open and puff due to heat exposure.

Q. What kind of corn is Kettle Corn made from?

Some strains of corn (Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. The Zea mays variety everta, a special kind of flint corn, is the most common of these

Q. What is the nutritional facts of Kettle Corn?

Q. Where can I get Hand Popped Kettle Corn

We have a location in the parking lot of Casa Bonitas.  You can find directions here.

We can also come to your event!

Online sales coming soon.